Valuation - Communication

Valuation - Communication

Methodological articles<br> Posters

Methodological articles :

• Berthézène et al. 2014. Carte de multiplexage 160 voies RS232 : Connection of 160 scales in a phenotyping device. Le Cahier des Techniques de l’INRA 2014 (83) n°3-2014

• Berthézène S, Brichet N, Nègre V, Parent B, Suard B, Tireau A, Turc O, Tardieu F, Welcker C. 2015.  PHENODYN : A high throughput platform for measurement of organ elongation rate and plant transpiration with high temporal resolution. EPPN Plant Phenotyping Symposium.

Posters :

• PHENODYN : a phenotyping platform with fine temporal definition (pdf)

• Development of 4 high-throughput platforms for phenotyping  (pdf)

• Technical processes on platform in growth chamber, greenhouse and field (pdf)

• CO2 enrichment in the growth chamber PHENOPSIS (pdf)

Modification date : 17 July 2023 | Publication date : 25 August 2020 | Redactor : Aurélien Ausset